Ise Lund formed PL Interactive in 2000 to provide innovative digital transformation solutions for companies committed to ongoing success online and off. With over 20 years’ marketing and technology experience and a long-time love of the technological leading edge, Ise has the experience to sort the hype from what’s useful. She recognizes that as the culture of the interactive marketplace continues to grow in complexity and offers new opportunities for you to connect with your customer, having an experienced guide is critical to success.
PL Interactive is dedicated to using that knowledge to effectively removing the barriers that keep your visitors from connecting to your brand, purchasing your products and services, and enjoying their online experience. Contact PL Interactive for a free initial consultation.
About Ise Lund
Ise has provided strategic direction and implementation oversight for end-to-end digital transformation projects since 1997. She holds a B.A. from UCLA and a master’s degree from Harvard University.